I thought I’d start writing again on the goddesses I read about in the book ‘Goddesses for Every Season’ by Nancy Blair. I read this book a while ago now and connected with most of the goddesses in it, but I didn’t get around to writing about all of them. As it’s winter and that’s where I haven’t done much writing I thought I’d write some more about the winter goddesses. The first one I was drawn to is the Dreaming Goddess or Priestess of Malta.
I did some research on her and connected with her to give you a message and a meditation you can try out. To learn more about her, CLICK HERE.
I really was drawn to her as she is a goddess of visions, dreams and a sort of shaman. I also liked the fact I could connect with her in my dreams and to do some dream work as I haven’t done very much of this and wanted to do more. The fact she is so ancient as well, really called to me.
I needed some guidance and so I asked her to help me. Before I went to bed the other night, I grounded, asked for protection in my dreams and other worlds and then I asked the Dreaming Goddess to please connect with me in my dreams and give me some guidance on a job that I could potentially get. I wanted to know if I should go for this job or not and to please give me a clear sign through my dreams. I thanked her and then went to sleep.
In the morning as I was in between wake and sleep a song came to me, loud and clear. ‘Hi Ho, Hi Ho. its off to work we go.’ This was my answer from the goddess, yes! It actually woke me up more, as it was so loud and clear and I knew this was it, the answer. Not that I want the job really, but needs must! After this I did go back to sleep and had a couple of more dreams that I wrote down. These I don’t think were job related, but one I think was telling me to protect myself energetically and then I will be able to weather any storm.
Now you may think I could have heard that song while I was awake and so that’s why I dreamt of it, but I have not heard that song for years. It was also so loud and clear and I just knew it was the answer. Not one I really wanted to accept and I didn’t need to listen to it. But I did listen and I have gone for the job. I still may not get it, but there is a reason why she said to go for it, so I have. I know if I didn’t listen then maybe things would get harder for me until I listened as I have had that experience in the past too. So this time I have listened and we will see what happens.
I hope to do more dream work in the future as this really was an experience and confirmation that there is Goddess and guides helping us, for me its confirmation anyway.
I would love to know if you have done dream work before and how you got on. Let me know in the comments!
For now though, I sign off.
Until next time.
Love & Light
Charleen x