Selene by Linda Kindt

Selene/Selena, one of the Titan Goddesses, daughter of Theia and Hyperion and sister to Eos and Helios. Known as Luna by the Romans. She is essentially a Moon Goddess and gets associated with Artemis. However she is the only Goddess that is considered the Moon itself. She rides a chariot across the sky pulled by white horses, but has been known also to be pulled by horned cows/oxen.

Selene, as the Moon Goddess represents everything moon related. She is the Goddess of the Lunar cycle, blood cycle/Woman mysteries, the flow and ebb of the waters and life blood. Helping to manifest your desires and to connect to your feminine wisdom.

Selene Correspondences


Silver, White, Golden


Moon, Horned Cows, Horses, Tides, Water, Silver Chariot, Crescent Moon Crown


Moonstone, Selenite, Quartz


Myrtle, Willow, White Poppy, Rose, Wall Flower, Jasmine, Lotus, Sage

Meditation to connect with Selene

Light a candle, put a oil diffuser or incense and some relaxing music, sit and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and relax. Hold your intention in connecting to Selene, the Moon Goddess. You could say this in your head three times, ‘My intention is to connect with Selene.’

Imagine you are in a forest and its night time. Although its dark, the full moon is bright and lights up a path. You start to walk this path between the trees, making your way gradually, noticing the sound of owls and rustles in the bushes. The path takes you to a circular clearing surrounded by trees and the full moon is directly above you shining down.

You feel this is where Selene will be, so you decide to stand under the full moon, close your eyes and soak up its beautiful cleansing energy. As you are doing this, you hear a voice say ‘Welcome Child, I have been expecting you.’ You open your eyes and see a beautiful woman is standing in front of you. It is Selene. You say hello and thank her for connecting. She smiles and embraces you. So full of love and light, she starts to talk to you.

Take this time to listen to what she has to say and to ask any questions.

Once you have finished communicating, you thank her. She says ‘ You are welcome child. I am always here for you to connect. Remember I am the Moon, anytime you feel you need me, look to the Moon and know I am here with you.’ She embraces you once more and then floats up towards the Moon and disappears into the light.

Feeling peaceful and when you are ready, take three deep breaths and come back to the room.

Write down your experience. What did she say to you? Did she have a message? Were all your questions answered? Did anything else happen?

Meditation to connect with selene
Moon Goddess by Josephine Wal

How to connect with Selene

Here are a few ways you can connect with the Goddess Selene.


Use the meditation above or find one you are drawn to. You can also simply sit, close your eyes, relax and ask Selene to connect with you. Feel and sense her with you and see if she has a message.

Connect with the Moon

Go outside at night and connect with the Moon, especially a Full Moon. Bathe in her beautiful cleansing energy and talk to Selene.


Give an offering to the Moon in honor of Selene.


Craft something in honor of Selene, such as a figurine, a painting etc.

Bust of Selene in a clipeus. From a strigillated lenos sarcophagus

How Selene will help you

Selene will cleanse and clear your energy, helping you to let go of anything that no longer serves you and any negativity you may be holding on to. She will help you manifest your desires and dreams. She will also help you with connecting to your divine feminine, your cycle and your inner wisdom. Call on her when you need to clear your energy. To help with anything you need to manifest. Call on her when you need guidance.

Click here to read Selene’s message

Continued Reading and Resources

Goddesses for Every Season by Nancy Blair

FREE Goddess Worksheet

This Goddess worksheet will help you on your journey to connect to each Goddess. It will guide you on ways to connect and have space for you to write your own journey.

Click Here


10 thoughts on “Selene”

    • Hi,

      Yes, to me she was calm, gentle and loving. 🙂

      I am sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I’ve been on a long break and only just getting round to starting up again. If you have any questions, please do get in touch!

      Brightest Blessings
      Charleen x

        • Hi,

          I like to drum myself a journey or meditate to connect with Selene or any Goddess. I will either drum and set myself the intention of meeting Selene then imagine I am going deep down into the earth through an oak tree and then let the journey take me on to meet Selene or put on some relaxing music and set the intention of meeting her and then see what comes up. It does take practice. It also helps if you set yourself up in the right mood. Light some incense and a candle, put on some relaxing music and then do a meditation. Even better if you do it on a full moon!

          I hope that helps.

          Love & Light
          Charleen x

  1. Hi, I’m searching about Selene and I can’t find anything about how to know when she calls for you. I’m trying to get into witchcraft since a month after my 18th birthday and my intuition getting more accurate. I’m still searching about all of this matter, but ever since I was young I had a slight obsession with the moon, and, funnily, I’ve been singing a lullaby from my childhood about the moon. Another thing I found out was that the stone my grandparents bought me was a moonstone. There were more stones there at the time but the only one that got my attention was the moonstone. Can you, please, tell me how do we know when she is calling for us?

    • Hi,

      I would definitely say she is calling to you from what you have said so far. Look for the signs of her in your every day life. Do you feel her? Is there a yearning for her? You will just know deep down that she is calling. I would suggest you try meditating and asking her to connect with you. If you are just a beginner it may not come to you so easily or you might not get anything, but keep practicing and you will get there! You could try the meditation here or any you may have found else where. You can even just sit and ask her to come to you and see what happens. What thoughts and feelings do you have sitting there trying to connect. You could also dedicate an altar to her with a few small items on it that represent her and sit in that space too. Another thing you can do, is go out at night and bathe in the Moon’s light. Feel her light shining down on you and soak it up. Take note of what it feels like. Talk to her as well. If the moons out in the day, then you can do it then too. But remember, she’s always there, even if you cant see her.

      I am sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I’ve been on a long break and only just getting round to starting up again. If you have any questions, please do get in touch!

      Brightest Blessings
      Charleen x

  2. Hello, when I was meditating i was trying to connect with someone and the first name that popped up in my head was luna, and ive never knew someone with that name. Im drawn to the moon and the night. Silver is the only metal i like. Also my natal chart is ruled my the moon. I started to learn about luna. But im also seeing other signa of other deities so its really confusing

    • Hi,

      It can be confusing when you have all these signs and you are not sure what they could all mean. Its really a learning curve and the more you learn, experience and get in tune with your intuition, the more you will get clearer on the signs.

      It definitely sounds like you have a connection to the Moon and that she is calling you. So keep connecting with her. But other Deities may be calling you too, or they may just wish to give you a message. Look at the signs you have and then maybe see if you are drawn to them and try connecting with them.

      Just take your time with it all and go with what feels right and what you are drawn to first.

      If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.

      Brightest Blessings
      Charleen x

      • I saw about her (Selene) thru tiktok and I got so interested, and so I tried searching her name and tried calling her, and when I am sleeping I dreamt of crescent moon shining so brightly at night. It’s just like a 5 seconds dream. Does it mean she’s trying to connect with me?

        • Hi,

          It could certainly mean she is trying to connect with you. If you also have a very strong interest in her, then I would recommend trying to do a meditation to connect with her and see if you can talk with her that way. To see what messages she has for you. Or ask her to connect with you more in your dreams. Write her a letter or note and stick it under your pillow before you go to sleep. As soon as you wake write everything down and then in time you will see a message. The more you practice and try, the more you will be connected and feel her. Just do what you feel is right. 🙂

          Brightest Blessings
          Charleen x


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