The name Unicorn means in Latin Unus ‘One’ and Cornu ‘Horn’. The Unicorn is a mythical creature like a horse with a straight or spiraled horn extending from its forehead. The traditional Unicorn also has a billy-goat beard.

They are very close to the angelic and faery realms and so they come bringing pure angelic healing energy.
They are known as 7th dimensional beings and very highly advanced. They symbolise or represent the holy spirit and the truth that we are all pure light. The Unicorn is selfless yet solitary and fierce yet good. Beautiful, wild, proud, peaceful, humble, angelic, mysterious, pure, graceful and divine.
The Unicorns are here to guide us and help us remember who we really are. They are here to awaken our inner child, to encourage you to follow your heart, guide you to take steps towards your life purpose and so much more.
Guided Meditation
Everyone has a Unicorn guide. Just like everyone has Angel and Faery guides. To connect to your Unicorn guide try this mediation……
Put some relaxing music on or nature sounds, sit or lay down and relax. Imagine yourself in a clearing in the woods. Its a beautiful summers day and the sun is shining brightly through the trees. You decide to sit down in the centre of the clearing and close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the woodlands. You can hear the birds tweeting, the bees buzzing and the breeze against the trees. As you sit their listening you become very relaxed and one with nature. You decide to ask to meet your Unicorn guide, so in your mind you say, Unicorn guide please come to me and reveal yourself so I know who you are and can get to know you. You wait and listen and see if they come. You then hear a rustle in the trees and feel a presence. You open your eyes and there in front of you on the edge of the clearing is your guide. You say hello and have a conversation with them. Ask them their name, what are they there to guide you with and anything else you would like to talk about. Once you have finished, thank them and say goodbye. You sit back in the centre of the clearing and close your eyes and come back to the room.
Remember once you have done this meditation to write down your experience so you don’t forget in future. Remember you can always do this meditation to visit your guide and ask for advice.
I hope you do decide to meet your Unicorn guide and start to regularly connect with them. They are the most wonderful loving being who can offer so much. I still have so much to learn myself!
Enjoy the meditation and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me either by the contact page on this website, through Facebook, Instagram or email at You can also comment below!
Brightest Blessings
Charleen xx