Oshun is an African River Goddess. The Goddess of life, fertility, love, sensuality, prosperity, water and purity. She is a Mother and gives life through the waters, the life blood that flows through our veins and the rivers that flow through the Earth. Associated with Yemaya, she is the fresh water Mother, while Yemaya is the salt water Mother (Ocean). One flows to the other and back again in a cycle.
Loving and gentle, but oh so powerful. She will cleanse you through her healing waters, helping you to clear any negativity or anything than no longer serves you. She will help you go with the flow. Help you let your emotions flow and not let them go stagnant. Always helping you to move forward and not stay still.
As a Goddess of life, fertility and prosperity, she will help you in your pregnancy and birth, supporting and protecting you. She will also help you create and manifest your desires.
As a Goddess of love and sensuality, she will remind you of the power of pleasure and self love. Helping you to let go of your inhibitions and let your hormones and desires flow. Helping you to get in touch with your cycle and your womb and using its power and wisdom to guide you.
Oshun Correspondences
Gold, Amber, Yellow.
Gold, Yellow Butterflies, Rivers, Water, Waterfalls, Roses, Bees, Otters, Skunks, Sunflowers.
Rutilated quartz, Amber, Diamond, Imperial Topaz, Citrine, Yellow Fluorite, River stones.
Lemon, Cinnamon, Sunflower, Apple Blossom, Cedarwood, River Moss, Jasmine, Oak Moss, Rose, Rosemary, Vanilla.
Meditation to connect with Oshun
Find a quiet spot or maybe a river to sit by. If in doors, put on some incense or an oil diffuser, light a candle and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and relax. Hold your intention in connecting to Oshun. You could say this in your head three times, ‘My intention is to connect with Oshun.’
Imagine you are by a river. It is a secluded spot right by the waters edge, trees around you, large rocks and riverbed stones. The sun is shining through the trees and the river is flowing steadily. You sit and listen to the water, breathing in the fresh air and feeling peaceful.
You close your eyes and feel the energy of the place and call to Oshun to be with you. She appears immediately and says ‘Hello Child.’ You say hello and thank her for connecting. She takes your hand and guides you into the river.
The river isn’t that deep, it comes up to your knees, maybe a bit higher. Oshun wants to give you a cleansing.
She says ‘Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Feel the air in your lungs, smell the beautiful fresh air and the scent all around you.’ You do this for a couple of minutes and it relaxes you more. She then takes some water from the river and pours it over you saying ‘I cleanse you of the negativity you hold inside of you. I cleanse your mind, body and spirit. I cleanse you and clear your energy.’ She then continues to pour water over you. You feel the water and the energy of her clearing you and you consciously let go of anything that no longer serves you. The more you do this the more the cleansing will work. You feel lighter as she continues to work on you. She then says ‘Open your eyes dear child.’ You open them and she takes a wet river stone and places it on your third eye and says ‘I bless you with the power of the river. The waters that are the life blood that runs through the Earth and your veins. So mote it be.’ She then gives you the stone as a gift.
You thank her for this cleansing and she says ‘You are welcome child. Come.’ She takes your hand and guides you back to the side of the river, where you both sit.
Take this time to speak with Oshun. Ask any questions you may have and take note of any messages she may have for you.
When you have finished talking, Oshun hugs you and says goodbye. You feel at peace and you know you can call to her any time you need her.
When you are ready, take three deep breaths and come back to the room.
Write down your experience. What did she say to you? Did you ask questions? Did she have a message?

How to connect with Oshun
Here are a few ways you can connect with the Goddess Oshun.
Connect with Oshun through meditation. You can either sit, close your eyes and relax, asking her to connect with you and see and feel what happens or use the meditation above.
Connect with Water
Find a river you can sit by or take a walk along. Connect to the river, the water and ask Oshun to connect with you also.
Sing/Chant her name
Another great way to connect is to sing or chant her name. Just start and see where it goes, you will be surprised how it can connect you and how the chant with end up sounding.

How Oshun will help you
Oshun will help you clear and cleanse your energy, helping you to be more balanced and happy. She will help you go with the flow, help your emotions flow and help you move forward and not stay still. Call on her when you need to rebalance and clear your energy. When you feel stuck and she will help you start moving forward again. Call on her when you need to let go of the old and move on, to let go of anything that no longer serves you and she will wash away the stagnant energy you have been holding on to.
Click here to read Oshun’s message
Continued Reading and Resources
Goddesses for Every Season by Nancy Blair
FREE Goddess Worksheet
This Goddess worksheet will help you on your journey to connect to each Goddess. It will guide you on ways to connect and have space for you to write your own journey.
Click Here