Vila is the Eastern European name for Goddess energy moving through Earth as Nature. The Vila (or Vily (plural)) are Balkan Goddesses (or faeries) who live deep inside the Woods, Mountains and Clouds and are very protective of the earth, animals, insects, birds, plants and trees. They are usually born in the Spring in the misty rains. Rainbows are a sign when a Vila is born. They do not take kindly to disrespect or disrespect of the earth and living creatures and will do anything to protect them. They have the power to heal or destroy, rewarding those who respect and help them and punishing those who do not.
The Vila are the most beautiful women, yet not human, like the Faery folk, Nature Spirits. They are strong with bright golden hair and moon bright skin. Warrior huntresses, protective, healing and yet destructive depending on what is called for. Shape shifters, they can turn into animals and commonly will turn into horses, swans, snakes and falcons and also into whirlwinds, clouds and mist. They love to dance, play and be mischief and one must be careful not to be lured into a dance of near death, especially if they have been seen as disrespectful.
The Vila know everything about healing and herb craft and can teach you these things also but you must earn your way to these secrets and form a bond with them. Earning their trust, communing with them and showing your respect. If you wish to learn from them, then you will be required to form a pact, which would normally be by going into the woods at sunrise on the day of the full moon. Drawing a circle in the dirt with a birch or broom, calling to the Vila and listening for her reply. Once you have been accepted, they will grant you any wish. But beware for making a pact with the Vila is a serious thing and should not be taken lightly. You must be committed, to have them in your life and not take them for granted. When you accept them into your life and respect them, you will learn much.
Vila Correspondences
All colors, but especially silver and white
Animals but especially Horse, Swan, Snake and Falcon, Full Moon, Rainbows, Mushrooms, Circles, Oak, Ash, Thorn, Flowers, Mists, Waterfalls, Clouds, Mountains, Woods, Moss
Moonstone, Moss Agate, Quartz, Stones, Rocks, Silver, Gold
All healing plants/herbs, Cedarwood, Fir, Cypress, Pine, Patchouli, Rose

Meditation to connect with Vila
Find a quiet spot, being in the woods would be great, but anywhere that you will not be disturbed will do. Light a candle, some incense, sit, close your eyes and relax. Take three deep breathes. Set your intention to connect with the Vila. Say to yourself, ‘My intention is to connect to the Vila.’ and repeat three times.
Imagine you are on the edge of a forest. The sun is shining, its a prefect Spring day. The trees are tall and it looks a little dark in there, but you see a opening and you start to walk into the forest on the path you see. Going deeper and deeper, it gets a little more darker as you go. You see animals along the way, watching you.
Talk to her, get to know her. What does she say? Ask her any questions and see if she will reveal the answers.
After a while and when you are finished talking and connecting, she disappears. You look all around you to see where she went but she has vanished completely. You thank her for connecting and make your way back to where you started.
When you are ready, take three deep breaths and come back to the room.
Write down your experience. What animal was it that greeted you? What do they mean to you? You can look up there meaning as it might be of some sufficient. What message did she have for you? Did she answer your questions? What else happened?

How to connect with the Vila
Connect with the Vila through meditation. Use the one above or find one you are drawn to. You could even simply just sit, close your eyes, relax and ask them to connect and see what happens. With practice you will get more and more connected.
Sacred Space
Find a spot indoors or outdoors where you can set up an altar to connect daily. Decorate with things you associate with the Vila and any offering for them.
Sit in Nature
Sir or walk in Nature somewhere. Feel and sense the energies around you.
Give an offing to them.
All these things can help you connect, but you will need to earn the Vila’s trust and therefore will need to dedicate a bit more time than some of the other Goddesses you may have connected with. But if you feel you are drawn to them and are willing to commit, they will transform your life.
How the Vila can help you
Vila will help you learn how to heal yourself and others, how to work with the Earth and plants and will help you look after our planet. They have a lot of wisdom to give but you must have commitment to them and the Earth to learn of their ways and their knowledge. If you feel drawn to them, meditate and communicate with them. Get to know them and then decide whether you are ready to commit. Then take the commitment and work with them and the Earth if you so wish.
We can all do our part to help the Vila and the Earth even if we can not commit ourselves to them. Just by recycling or clearing up trash is a way to help our planet and Vila with their task of looking after her.
Click here to read the Vila’s message
Notes on Pictures used
The first one by Pranile spoke to me the most as it is the closest to how I saw them on my journey. It also reveals their darker mysterious side. The last two of the fairies called to me as the one of the Rainbow Fairies went with the story of when you see a rainbow it means a Vila has been born and the second called to me as they are associated with the moon and I saw them under the full moon in my journey.
Continued Reading and Resources
Goddesses for Every Season by Nancy Blair
FREE Goddess Worksheet
This Goddess worksheet will help you on your journey to connect to each Goddess. It will guide you on ways to connect and have space for you to write your own journey.
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